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THE BENEFITS OF BREATH - HOW YOUR BREATH IMPACTS YOUR BIOLOGY. This course teaches Breath-Work as a means to manage and “yoke” our respiratory capabilities and optimize the health benefits of every inhale and exhale we take.  The Breath-Work practice encourages the creation of new pathways to replace old habits in order to make room for new, more vibrant ways of navigating our lives and spiritual needs.

UNLEASH THE POWER OF CONSCIOUS BREATHING through Movement, Theory and Stillness with Scot Vighi at White Gate Farm - East Lyme, CT - May 5-7, 2017

Each breath provides a moment of healing – an opportunity to slow our internal biology; to rest over-worked brains, bodies and hearts; and to release habits and thoughts that may once have served us but no longer do.

As we navigate life’s challenges, our breath is a key component in stress management. Conscious breathing opens us to new patterns of behavior, allows us to let go of our worries and struggles and helps us create new space to fill our lives with joy, gratitude and ease.

Through deep breathing techniques, every one of us has the ability to create a state of mindfulness that draws us out of The Past and out of The Future and places us firmly in The Present, the only place where we can truly be at ease. Through Breath-Work we learn that we can be at peace in The Present, at ease with The Past and The Future, and comfortable with the known and the unknown.

How are you thinking? Cognitive therapies since the early 1980’s are based on the premise that what people are thinking has a major influence on their emotions, behavior, and health. If negative thoughts cause unhappiness, unproductive behavior, and troubling physical symptoms, then what if the negative thoughts could be replaced with different thought patterns, patterns that cause less anxiety and biological disruption? The premise then shifts towards how we think and how our way of thinking influences emotions, behavior and health.

New Tools. Breathing techniques when used regularly are a powerful tool that enables us to calm down, focus on the present, and diminish circular thoughts and repetitive patterns that trigger panic, anxiety and negativity. In this way, Breath-Work creates room for new and healthier pathways and behaviors to take shape.

A focus on breath creates a state of mindfulness that enables us to be more thoughtful, less reactionary about priorities and decisions. When we breathe through our life story - rather than react to it - we are better equipped to keep the waters calm when all around us might be spinning [or perceived to be spinning]. In this practice of mindfulness we define and create healthy life choices about food, work, exercise, rest, relationships and other lifestyle choices.

Through the practice of deep, slow, conscious breathing, the state of mindfulness greatly assists our natural biology.  Studies conclude that deep breathing and self-acceptance are often more effective for anxiety and wellness than any medication. Conscious breathing and mindful life choices reverse the activation of stress hormones and anxious thoughts associated with trauma and other conditions. When we learn to slow our racing, fearful minds then brain bio-chemistry shifts focus and sets new patterns of thought and behavior. A dynamic then emerges from a constructive practice, one that unleashes our strengths and abilities, rather than perpetuating a reliance on medications and negative habits.

The Lyme Juice Company



at White Gate Farm

East Lyme, CT

Friday May 5th - 7th, 2017

Photocredit: Jasmine Tara Photography Thanks, Jazzy!


is a weekend retreat that explains and explores the power of conscious breathing. Through Movement, Theory and Stillness, Scot Vighi guides us to a deeper understanding and connection to our breath. Through more effective breathing techniques, breath is capable of opening new gateways to joy, happiness and ease.

SCOT VIGHI is an energy medicine healer and Reiki Master who specializes in clearing chronic pain and habitual patterns of stress.  His technique incorporates hands-on healing Body Work, Breath Work, physical fitness training methods, and theory.  He has created The White Wolf program, the result of 27 years of study which combines key methodologies to create four cornerstones of a transformational practice: The Taoist foundational practice, Ouspensky's Philosophy of Evolution, Yogic Breathing Techniques and Basic Vocal Skills.  


Friday, May 5th

3-6:00pm        Sign-In and Registration. Guests settle in to their rooms. Enjoy touring the farm.

7:00pm           Welcome! Fresh from the farm dinner [wine is available for an additional fee]

9:00pm           Yoga Nidra and Guided Meditation with Scot Vighi

Saturday, May 6th

6:45am            Local “Commuters” arrive

7:00                 Invigorate! Movement and Flow. Yoga with Scot Vighi

8:00-9:00        Break and Breakfast [Coffee, Paleo Muffins, Fresh Pressed Juice]

9:15                  Welcome and Introduction

9:30-10:00   Contemplate. This segment focuses on Theory: The Taoist Foundational practice and Ouspensky's Philosophy of Evolution

10:00-11:00   Aerate. Morning Workshop: Breath Work to Strengthen your Practice. Yogic Breathing Techniques

11:00-12:00     Gravitate.  Weather Permitting, guests are encouraged to walk barefoot around the grounds, shop the farmer’s market* and take time to reflect on the morning’s teachings. You are, of course, welcome to check your messages but we encourage no-phones and no computers until the afternoon break. *the market is on site. Your produce will be refrigerated and stored for you until Sunday departure]

Noon               Fresh-from-the-farm Lunch

1:00            Vibrate.  Vocal Wisdom – Exploring how and why we lose our voice, then using Lamperti’s Theory to find our voice. Giovanni Battista Lamperti [1839-1910] a singing teacher whose preferred teaching arrangement was having three or four students present at each lesson: each would get their turn while the others observed and learned. He is the author of The Technics of Bel Canto [1905] and source for Vocal Wisdom: Maxims of Giovanni Battista Lamperti [1931].

2:00                 Break

2:15-4:00        Motivate.  Learn how deep, conscious breathing allows our body to receive new cues. Milton Ericson Hypnotherapy applies metaphor, suggestive phrases and tones of voice. [No, you will not be asked to bark like a dog, unless of course, that is your deepest desire]

4:00-5:00       Meditate.  Instruction ends with Guided Meditation to ground our senses

6:00                Libate and Celebrate.  A Truly Happy Hour precedes Fresh-from-the-Farm dinner

Sunday, May 7th

8:00                Awake or Sleep Late.  Take time to give your body what it needs this morning. More sleep? A Morning Stroll around White Gate? Mediate by the Lake. Help yourself to the breakfast bar 8:00-10:00. Paleo muffins, Coffee and Fresh-Pressed Juice

9:00                 Invigorate! Movement and Flow. Yoga with Scot Vighi

10:00               Navigate. Farewells and Departure


FEES – Overnight Guests - $500Full Retreat Package for 1 person with double occupancy lodging + meals

$150         Lodging. Two nights. $75 per person/per night based on double occupancy. $100 per night/per person based on single occupancy in a double room.

$200    All Meals. Fresh-from-the-Farm. Friday and Saturday dinners; Saturday and Sunday Paleo breakfasts and Fresh-Pressed Juice; Saturday Fresh-from-the-Farm Lunch; Saturday healthy snack table. *Wine is available for additional charge.

$150         Tuition

FEES – Local “Commuters” - $350 - Retreat Package with all meals, no lodging 

$200   All Meals. Fresh-from-the-Farm.  Friday and Saturday dinners; Saturday and Sunday Paleo breakfasts and Fresh-Pressed Juice; Saturday Fresh-from-the-Farm Lunch; Saturday healthy snack table. *Wine is available for additional charge.

$150        Tuition

FEES – Local “Commuters” - $250 - Retreat Package with day-time meals, no dinners, no lodging

$100      Meals. Fresh-from-the-Farm. Includes Saturday and Sunday Paleo breakfasts and Fresh-Pressed Juice. Saturday Fresh-from-the-Farm Lunch and Saturday healthy snack table

$150        Tuition

FEES - Local " Commuters" - $150 - Saturday Only Retreat Package with Saturday meals only, no dinners, no lodging

$75  Meals. Fresh-from-the-Farm. Includes Saturday Paleo breakfast and Fresh-Pressed Juice. Saturday Fresh-from-the-Farm Lunch and Saturday healthy snack table

$75    Tuition - Saturday Only

To book your reservation please follow this link to White Gate Farm Classes. If you have any questions or wish to reserve a space, please private message Lyme Juice Company. We would love to speak with you in person and answer all your questions as we process your reservation.